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Scale-up Academy Sežana boasts international participation, and this year the HERQ application is part of this team of entrepreneurs

The trainings take place via video conferencing and provide participants with an understanding of the broader context of scale-up entrepreneurship. During the training, participants will gain a broad range of skills that will enable them to understand the financial needs of the business, assist in identifying appropriate funding (grants, loans, equity, etc.), create a development and investment plan, and review the skills of key staff. The final module is designed to present the development and investment plan to venture capitalists.

To conduct the Scale-up Academy, the Sežana incubator has carefully selected lecturers from the field, including Luigi Amati (founder and director of META Group), Andrea Di Anselmo (founding member of META Group), Francesca Natali (board member of META Group), Lorenzo Valeriani (consultant, coach and business analyst of META Group) and Jurij Giacomelli (Giacomelli Media). The theory from the lectures will be practically deepened by the start-up entrepreneurs with expert advisors for start-up and scale-up companies.